Monday, May 9, 2016

10 Marvel Characters Most Likely To Die Before (Or During) Avengers: Infinity War

The people who run the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been known to dispense their fair share of characters as they move their way toward Avengers: Infinity War, the two-part climax of the first three phases of the fledgling MCU.
It’s almost a rite of passage to find someone biting the big one in each film, though most of the characters made it out of the recent Captain America: Civil War (which, given its scope and the characters involved, might as well have been called The Avengers 2.5) unscathed.
Here’s a list of the 10 Marvel Characters Most Likely To Die Before (Or During) Avengers: Infinity War.


Captain America has been a prime candidate to bite the dust for years now. Since he’s been the team leader, many have predicted that his demise would lead to the breakup of the Avengers and would pave the way for Thanos to set his plans into high gear. Cap’s demise would definitely have traumatic repercussions for the rest of the MCU and could be an almost automatic turn toward dark times for planet Earth.
Whichever movie Captain America could meet his demise is anyone’s guess, but rest assured as the team leader of the Avengers and their moral compass, he will be the one with a bullseye on his back. That said, some audience members were surprised that he survived the recent Civil War, which didn’t follow the story of the comic it was based on. So perhaps he’ll make it through Infinity War intact.


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Saturday, May 7, 2016

12 Things You Didn’t Know About Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) is one of the most revered and feared super-beings on the planet. With her twin brother Quicksilver they share the rare honor of being able to  cross-over effortlessly from X-men to the Avengers. She has married the Vision, her father was once believed to be Magneto, she’s wiped out entire realities, and she’s been a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Her history is one of the most diverse in any publication DC or Marvel. Her list of powers is just as diverse. She will be taking center-stage in Captain America:Civil War.
This list will cover some things that the general public might not know about the mystical magestress. You might be a comic buff but don’t be surprised to find that there are some fun facts you wasn’t expecting to see! -- So, without further adieu here’s a list of 10 things you might not have known about Marvel’s favorite Sorceress- the Scarlet Witch!

12. Stan Lee’s Intentions Behind Her Creation
We’ll start off with something that is kind of obvious for most people who follow the comic books. But Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Both comic book legends have been responsible for the creation of much of the successful franchises in the history of comic books that have become blockbuster movies. Those characters are Thor, X-Men, Hulk, Iron-Man, and Fantastic-Four. The Scarlet Witch character is in select company.

“I remember that I liked (Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch) very much and I thought it would be fun to have villains who aren’t really bad deep down,” Lee told Comics Creators On X-Men. “We already had a reluctant hero with Spider-Man so I thought it would be fun to create a pair of reluctant villains.”

“I had big plans for Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. I wanted them to eventually give up being villains and become heroes. That’s why I used them in Avengers after I left X-Men.”
For my article check out: ScreenRant

Monday, May 2, 2016

15 Best Encounters Between Spider-Man and The Avengers

Spiderman has had many team-ups with the Avengers in the past.

With Captain America: Civil War around the corner, there’s no better time than now to explore the magnanimous history between our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and members of the Mighty Avengers.

In the Marvel comic books, Spidey has historically been known to be a loner by trade. He’s never felt totally comfortable being on a team and typically preferred to work alone. That being said, he’s put those feelings aside more times than not and collaborated with many of Marvel’s canon of crime fighters. He’s even occasionally become a member of various teams, like The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, Secret Defenders and the Outlaws, despite his personal preferences.
Alternatively, throughout their illustrious comic book history, the Avengers have had more members come and go than one can count. Almost all of Marvel’s greatest heroes have either crossed paths with them or have joined their team. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that Spider-Man has had his share of run-ins with members of Earth’s Mightiest.
This list covers some of those legendary encounters between our friendly wall-crawler and various members of The Avengers. This list focuses more on the one-on-one brushes the webhead has had with the team and its members rather than the larger Marvel crossover events (like Civil War).
So without further ado, here are the 15 Best Encounters Between Spider-Man and The Avengers.
Captain America Spider Man Team 15 Best Encounters Between Spider Man and The Avengers
This story has so much going for it. Not only is this one of the rare times that Spidey goes on a solo mission with Captain America, but they do so against the Scorpion, who is one of Spider-Man’s most powerful arch-enemies. We also get to see J. Jonah Jameson chew both of them out in his typical fashion while they’re posing as their alter egos, Steve Rogers and Peter Parker. At this time in the Marvel Universe, Steve Rogers is Captain America’s secret identity. Rogers is looking for employment as a freelance commercial artist for the Daily Bugle (If only JJJ knew he was chewing out the legend himself).
We find Scorpion at his most crazed and maniacal, breaking into the Daily Bugle and attempting to kidnap Jameson. Cap and Spidey show up to stop him. Scorpion actually defeats them simultaneously, leaving both unconscious. He kidnaps his least favorite person, J. Jonah Jameson, and heads uptown. Damaged and bruised, both heroes track Scorpion back to the South Bronx where they get into a brawl with Scorpion’s crew. Ultimately, they both knock out a game Scorpion and afterward, Cap suggests removing the gag from JJJ, but Spider-Man refuses.
As icing on the cake, this comic comes with cover art by the legendary Frank Miller.

Ant Man And Spider Man 15 Best Encounters Between Spider Man and The Avengers
This happens to be a team-up between Scott Lang’s Ant-Man and Spidey, not Hank Pym. An old time friend of Scott Lang, Gus Sweezer pays a visit to recruit him for a top secret criminal operation. Lang declines the job, telling him he’s gone legit. Some time later his friend is run over by a mysterious sports car. Lang decides to find out who killed his friend and why.
Meanwhile, J. Jonah Jameson sends Peter on an assignment to find out why, despite the East coast experiencing all-time high crime rates, a particularly bad neighborhood on the lower east side of Manhattan hasn’t experienced so much as a jaywalker. Parker walks around the dark shady neighborhood when suddenly his spider-sense goes crazy. It’s a giant warehouse that gets his attention, and he heads inside to investigate. He finds himself center stage in a massive auditorium where thousands of villains are attending a training academy demo for criminals run by the Taskmaster. Taskmaster, utilizing all the skills he’s learned from Captain America, DaredevilMoon KnightIron Fist, makes quick work of Spider-Man.
Lang infiltrates the warehouse as an ex-con and rescues a captive Spider-Man. This is the first time Spider-Man meets Scott Lang, and then they take on the Taskmaster together. It’s quite a good read.

Luke Cage Spider Man 15 Best Encounters Between Spider Man and The Avengers
Luke Cage made the list because he was a member of the Avengers for a short time, and even led them at one point. This issue directly follows a story that made comic book history, where two of Spider-Man’s most important supporting characters, his old girlfriend Gwen Stacy and the original Green Goblin, perish. Luke Cage taking on Spidey is part of the direct fallout from that very tale.

Norman Osborn’s dead body is found and the city is in shock. J. Jonah Jameson is distraught by the death of an old friend and fellow financier. He assumes (this time correctly) that Spider-Man had something to do with it. He enlists the aid of a unique character named Luke Cage who runs a Hero-For-Hire service out of a crumbled movie house in Times Square. He offers Cage five thousand dollars (which was worth a lot more at the time) to capture Spider-Man. Cage takes him up on the offer and what follows is a classic fist-a-cuffs between the two.
In a moment of comic relief during their battle, Cage references DC’s Batman by telling him “Some dudes have to do this number for a livin’- we ain’t all rich playboys like Bruce Wayne.” Spidey takes round 1, and in round 2 Spidey immobilizes Cage long enough to get him to change his mind about Jameson. John Romita Sr.’s artwork is in top form on this issue.

Black Widow Spider Man 15 Best Encounters Between Spider Man and The Avengers
Spidey and Black Widow have teamed up a number of times. This is the first appearance of Natasha Romanoff in her famous black costume. In this issue, Romanoff is trying to find a way to reinvent herself, and turn a new page in her troubled life. She seeks to reinvent herself and become a better version of the one that once worked alongside S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.
As she’s traveling above the rooftops, she notices Spider-Man swinging by. It dawns on her to incorporate some of Spidey’s abilities into her own repertoire. She redesigned her costume to a sleek black and added some venom-sting bracelets. Unwilling to play second fiddle to anyone, though, she attacks the webhead to see how she fares against him. She gets him at a bad time, though, as he’s struggling with an illness. Despite being sick, he shows her enough of his spider-power, speed, and agility that she retreats. She comes to the realization that she can never train enough to match the spider-powers that he possesses, so she decides to hone and utilizes the skills that are uniquely hers alone.

Hulk Spider man 15 Best Encounters Between Spider Man and The Avengers

By Duran Rivera

The artwork in this storyline is unique and the final battle between Spider-Man and the Hulk is emotionally resonant. Mochael Golden perfectly captures the pain of the Hulk when he’s about to be caught.
S.H.I.E.L.D. takes on the Hulk in New York and Spider-Man gets caught in the crossfire. This isn’t the first time Spidey’s sympathies for the Hulk makes him conflicted on what side he should be on. In this issue, you also get to see Spider-Man looking more like a young kid than anything else. It’s one of those rare occasions especially since this comic book came out in ‘89 that you see Spider-Man more like a high schooler rather than the older college student he is in the ‘80s.

For the complete article, check out Screenrant


Friday, April 29, 2016

12 Facts You May Not Know About George R. R. Martin

George R.R. Martin has become a household name ever since his best-selling books were adapted into HBO’s most popular television series of all time
Game of Thrones. It has been shown in over 170 countries and has been illegally downloaded more than any other program on Earth. It boasts one of the most diverse and obsessive fans, yet there are many who still don’t know much about the creator of their favorite show.
For this list, we’re looking at some fascinating fun facts about the beloved Novelist and Screenwriter George R. R. Martin. We’ll cover some of his passions, his place of origin, his lifelong convictions, and struggles that helped shape and mold him into one of the most acclaimed writers in modern literature.
Here are 12 Facts You Might Not Know About George R. R. Martin.

12.  He’s a Comic Book Fanatic
Unknown to many, George R.R. Martin is an avid comic book fan. He grew up with a particular fondness for Marvel stories such as the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. He currently has a large collection of comic books today and is a heavy reader to this day.
Speaking with John Hodgman on a public radio broadcast Bullseye, Martin describes his fascination with comic books and its influences on him as a young writer:
The Marvel comics that I was writing letters to were really revolutionary for the time. Stan Lee was doing some amazing work...
…The Marvel characters were constantly changing. Important things were happening. The lineup of the Avengers was constantly changing. People would quit and they would have fights and all of that, as opposed to DC, where everybody got along and it was all very nice, and of course all the heroes liked each other. None of this was happening. So really, Stan Lee introduced the whole concept of characterization [chuckles] to comic books, and conflict, and maybe even a touch of gray in some of the characters. And boy, looking back at it now, I can see that it probably was a bigger influence on my own work than I would have dreamed.”
This Catholic Prep Schooler from Marist High wrote numerous impassioned letters to “Stan’s Soapbox” as many fans did at that time. He heartily shared his thoughts on his favorite and least characters and stories. Even as a high schooler, his eloquence with the written word is apparent.
One character and his initial arc stood out to him and that was Wonder-Man. It wasn’t the fact that the Wonder-Man character was from Paterson New Jersey, it was that Wonder-Man was the most tragic of super-heroes at the time. Wonder-Man’s first appearance happened to also be his last (at least until they revived him some time later). Martin says of Wonder-Man.
I liked the character — it was a tragic, doomed character. I guess I’ve responded to tragic, doomed characters ever since I was a high-school kid.”
11. His Insular Life in Bayonne Fueled his Creativity
One would think that the author of one of the most richly dense and expansive worlds in modern literature had traveled the globe as a youth, but actually, he had a pretty modest upbringing in the projects of 35 East First Street in Bayonne, New Jersey. As the son of a longshoreman, Martin spent his youth watching big ships sail across the Brady’s Dock and Kill Van Kull waterway dreaming of far off worlds and of someday being an astronaut. He made the most of his time selling stories of his to other children in the neighborhood. That all was stopped by the parents of the children because they were having nightmares. He became an insatiable reader since his world consisted mainly of school and his home. He yearned to travel and reading helped his overactive imagination explore worlds far from his own.

For my complete article, check out ScreenRant

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Radiation Cleansing Properties of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay has become a very important natural resource for millions of people throughout the world.

 by: Duran Rivera 

Bentonite clay is known for many things, namely as a treatment for various mineral deficiencies, infections and even gangrene, but it's also becoming widely popular as an aid against various kinds of radioactive damage and conditions. In its general uses, it can be used as a bulk laxative and to flush out impurities from the body due to its strong negatively charged ionic properties. It has amazing topical benefits as well, treating acne, open wounds, burns, and protecting against various rash inducing oils found in poison ivy or poison oak. Bentonite clay has become a very important natural resource for millions of people throughout the world, especially as our exposures to radiation have risen exponentially in this modern age.

Formed millions of years ago from the weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water, bentonite clay has developed into its present form by collecting various minerals critical to life from limestone formations or slow cooling temperatures which converted certain minerals to oxides easily burned by the human metabolism. It was further refined by a bountiful amount of plant life, carcasses and the hair of prehistoric creatures. It has been utilized for its many benefits by different indigenous tribes since prehistory. Some tribes like the Blackfoot and the Sioux referred to it as "Ee-Wah-Kee" or "The Mud That Heals."

Bentonite's uses against radiation have been recorded and noted throughout history. It is said that Russian scientists coated themselves with bentonite before donning radiation uniforms to protect from radiation exposure. Studies by the U.S. army found that bentonite is an effective treatment, amongst other things, in exposure to chemical warfare. Radioactive material carries a positive ionic charge and bentonite clay has negatively charged ionic properties. It captures positively charged ions that you can then wash off your body or flush out your system. Unlike other clays, smectites (bentonites) can absorb and adsorb and are also characterized by their expandable characteristics. Bentonite adsorbs radiation from sources such as microwaves, x-rays, laptops, cell phones, TVs, microwaved food, etc.

There are hundreds of different kinds of bentonite clay, but amongst the most popular are Calcium Montmorillonite, Calcium Bentonite, and French Green Clay (Montmorillonite). When treating for radiation exposure, bentonite clay is used internally and externally. Clay baths are taken repeatedly for as long as the person can handle, usually from 20 minutes to about an hour. Compresses would also be applied to key locations of the body (targeting lymphatic system and primary organs).

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Plasma Activated Water May Have Grand Humanitarian Health Benefits

by Duran Rivera

(NaturalNews) Plasma activated water (PAW) may sound new to many readers, but there's been much research on it over the past few years. A recent November issue of the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics states that water mixed with a cocktail of compounds contained in ionized plasma causes a deactivation of up to 99% of potentially dangerous bacteria. The water has also been shown to stay antibacterial for over a week. Such a discovery can have many beneficial applications, such as to sterilize medical equipment, treat wounds, or for use on a multitude of infections.

One of the lead scientists on the anti-microbial effects of plasma-activated-water, Professor David B. Graves at U.C. Berkley, Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has found along with his research group, that devices capable of producing these plasmas are not only extremely efficient but inexpensive. It means it can become a significant medical benefit to developing countries, areas hit by natural disasters, or various battlefields where sterile water for medicinal use are in short supply and expensive to come by.

"One of the most difficult problems associated with medical facilities in low-resource countries is infection control," says Professor Graves. "It's estimated that infections in these countries are a factor of three-to-five times more widespread than in the developed world." Graves and his peers believe they can also potentially come up with a practical device for the home that can be used as an alternative to bleach, or surgical antibiotics.

A collective effort by UC at Berkeley and the University of Maryland at College Park studied how low-temperature plasmas can inactivate dangerous bio-molecules. These nomadic molecules are left behind sometimes by conventional sterilization methods. The researchers exposed and inactivated harmful bacteria such as E. coli to the effects of low-temperature plasmas using a vacuum beam system.They found that plasma can also "kill" dangerous proteins and lipids - including prions, the infectious agents that cause mad cow disease. "Low-temperature plasma generates vacuum ultraviolet photons, ions/electrons, and radicals that are known to be able to deactivate these molecules even at low temperature," says Professor Graves.

The studies continue at universities such as UC Berkley and the University of Maryland. There's still much to be understood and learned from this particular photon process. One thing is sure; the steps are being taken by dedicated scientists and researchers to bring these unique benefits to the forefront of healthcare.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mineral Deficiencies Can Be Fatal To Athletes

by: Duran Rivera
In the growing market of nutrition and health, where being a vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, or fruitarian has been integrated into the mainstream diet of millions of Americans, one thing that is not being mentioned enough is the importance of minerals.

A quick rundown of the importance of minerals and their function shows us that minerals are critical to our entire physiology such as the teeth, bones, blood, muscle, tissue and nerve cells. They are integral to transporting oxygen to the blood, or the pressure of body fluids to pass through the body. For example, potassium, calcium and sodium help maintain the rhythmic beating of the heart. Minerals are the bedrock of hormones such as thyroxin and insulin, and of proteins such as hemoglobin.

Many people today, who work out on a daily basis, running miles on end are not getting the sufficient mineral consumption to replace all they have lost. Most athletes today depend on sports drinks, which are mostly based of water, sugar, salt, food coloring and potassium. They drink their shakes that tend to be stacked with rice or whey protein but not much else.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, 100,000 young men and women, as well as professional athletes die annually from cardio-vascular disorders as a result of sports. That's twice the amount of fatalities on American highways. Almost half of the 100,000 athletes play basketball, not boxing nor football. Something is wrong with this picture when athletes aren't fairing much better than couch potatoes. One of various reasons is the amount of sweat excreted compared to non-athletes. They sweat more in five years than a couch potato would in 75 years. If 60 essential minerals aren't consistently being put back in the body, then the body will be at risk.

There are many symptoms to mineral deficiencies, some are more difficult to find than others. One must be aware and cognizant of the behaviors or blemishes on ones body. Being focused on consuming foods which are dense in minerals are among one of the many answers. Maintaining a mineral rich diet should be a conscious focus. Understanding that as an athlete, you need an abnormal intake of minerals and shouldn't settle for the diets, which are normally consumed.


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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fluoridation contributes to Hypothyroidism

 by: Duran Rivera

(NewsTarget) Fluoride is a commonly known product, which is generally understood to be a cavity-fighting ingredient. Those that use this product tend to consider this a gift of modern science. It's in our toothpaste, our drinking water, various bottled drinks, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. It's taken for granted that since it's in trusted goods found at local markets that it's totally safe for public consumption. Many do not know this but, in the case of water fluoridation, the chemicals used to fluoridate the water supply are not pharmaceutical grade, but instead are hazardous waste products of the phosphate fertilizer industry. It's illegal to dump this chemical into rivers and lakes or release the parent gases into the atmosphere, yet we drink it readily every day. Even proponents of fluoridation concede that the major benefits are only topical, so why swallow it? Ninety percent of the chemicals used for fluoridation in the United States are not natural fluorides but are instead synthetic acids. More and more research shows that consumption of fluoride is linked to numerous health conditions including a common condition called hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a commonly diagnosed thyroid condition in North America. It is more common in people with other endocrine disorders like diabetes. According to the American Thyroid Association, iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism, which affects 15% of women in the country. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism include low body temperature, fatigue, menstrual irregularity, decreased sweating, dry itchy skin, or Bradycardia (low heart rate- fewer than sixty beats-per-minute) amongst others. Uncommon symptoms include impaired memory, cognitive function (brain fog) and inattentiveness.

A trend has been occurring in the states that may exacerbate the risks associated with fluoride ingestion. According to the CDC, the average urinary iodine level today is half what it was in 1971. The agency estimates that 36% of U.S. women now have sub-optimal iodine intake. They also stated that iodine deficiency results in disorders such as goiter, cretinism, stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, and retarded physical and intellectual development. It's also established that adequate levels of iodine are essential for producing normal amounts of thyroid hormone.

Fluorine (a halogen) is in the same chemical family as iodine, but it is more active and can replace it in the body if iodine levels are deficient. That is not preferable as fluoride is a toxin with no physiological function and shouldn't be used to replace iodine, which is by far the most important element in the body. Iodine is vital for healthy bones, teeth, growth and metabolism. Fluoride can affect thyroid hormone production by compromising the chemical attaching process of iodine to the amino acids needed to convert to the critical thyroid hormones: Thyroxine (T4) and liothyronine (T3). Disruption of this vital gland can cause numerous ailments including: chronic exhaustion, anemia, obesity, depression, arthritis, infertility and chronic illness. The compromising of the thyroid hormone can mean a slide toward hypothyroidism. A cross sectional analysis shows a tremendous decrease in iodine in American society is occurring namely in children which is a precursor to numerous future ailments, conditions, and impairments. As if there isn't a crisis already, the interaction and ejection of iodine by fluoride only ties fluoride to this health crisis that much more.

[1] Ted Schettler MD, MPH:
[2] Dr. Pullen MD:
[3] Dr. Paul Connet: connett-interview.aspx
[8] Dr. Barry Durant-Peatfield:

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Epigenetics reinforces theory that positive mind states heal

by: Duran Rivera

(NewsTarget) There was a time where love and nurture seemed clearly distinct from our physical nature. Genetic-determinism holds that genes control our lives; hereditary information flows in one direction, and genetic activity and cellular expression are regulated by information from the DNA. However, a few years ago, key findings from the Human Genome Project rattled modern biology. It was expected to find least 120,000 genes. Instead what was found was an estimated 35,000. That`s not too far off from a lowly roundworm. Where were all the other genes to dictate the human condition? Today, a new scientific understanding is changing the conversation of biology and providing unexpected answers. It states that the mind and how we perceive the world around us directly influences our biology. Our positive energy (happiness and optimism) heals our conditions while our negative (anger and fear) toxifies leading to numerous diseases. Epigenetic control encourages people to become proactive in their own health instead of self-programming ourselves to be fearful victims.

Epigenetics is a genetic science, which has become a cutting edge biological phenomenon within the last 10-15 years. The prefix epi- means above, so the new science literally means control from above the genes. Studies show that genes are incapable of activating their own expression and are not self-emergent or self-actualizing. Instead gene activity can be activated or deactivated by environmental signals and our perception of it. The mere rewiring of our mindset can in effect change the read out of the DNA. The cell membrane (the outer layer of a cell) is the organic equivalent of a computer chip and is the cell`s control center, not the nucleus where most of the genes or DNA molecules are stored. Although this view conflicts with "The central dogma" as the old belief is called, many scientific studies are showing this to be true.

Scientists like developmental cellular biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton have found that when the nucleus is taken out of the cell, the cell functions normally for over 2 months. During that time, the cell is acting accordingly- it is an intelligent entity. This discovery leads to the conclusion that the nucleus is not the command center, but rather a disc in a computer filled with genetic memory.

The human being is a cell reincarnate sharing the same functions and behaviors. Our being is a fractal geometry, which means our reactions to our environment influence our state which in turns influences the inner biological living levels of awareness within us. Best way to look at it is that we are a community of over 50 trillion sentient cells. The way we think activates and shuts off different sectors of our being, changing the biological environment and consequently the health of the biosphere that is within us. This is in part how the placebo treatment works.

The ultimate conclusion by many epigenetic scientists is that perception of environment changes genes. How we perceive falls into two classes of genetic programming: growth and protection. Your interpretation of the environment selects what program to activate. We stymie our own health when we look at life in fear, thus setting off a combination of different chemicals and influencing what the receptors will take into the cell. Love enhances our health and enriches our entire being. The intangible qualities of a human being to rise above his/her physiological and environmental holdings are now finding scientific basis. Bruce Lipton says "You are all powerful. You have power over the unfoldment of your life. You have power over which genes that are going to be activated."


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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vegetarian Truths Empower

by: Duran Rivera

(NewsTarget) By the day, more people are becoming aware of the dangers of a traditional diet and have taken responsibility for their diets. They do so only to be told by well-intentioned peers and "people in the know" that abstaining from meat while being an athlete is not wise. The story has been told over and over again, "Humans are meat eaters- that's what we do!" Well, we're just going to set these facts straight and put these myths to rest once and for all.

This myth tops them all. Many believe that 1-gram of protein is needed per pound! Well, 5-8% of fruits' calories are protein; vegetables and darker greens contain 20-50%; and sprouted seeds/nuts contain 10-25%. So, Lettuce gets 34%, while Broccoli and Spinach get 45% and 49% respectfully. Beams range from 23-54%. Most people on a standard meat diet are actually protein deficient. Hemp seeds, macca powder, quinoa, flax, spirulina, greens and sprouts- all super foods are high in protein.

Wrong again. Actually, eating meats can slow down your metabolism because they take lots of energy to digest. Vegetarians actually grow muscle mass at a faster rate with a diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Vegetarian body building means being creative with meals to ensure you have plenty of vitamins and minerals.

False once again. We are more designed like herbivores than carnivores or omnivores. Our teeth, saliva, stomach acid and intestines are similar to plant-eaters. Fossil records show that our ancestors were exclusively vegetarian. Primates are 95-99% vegetarian. Their main non-plant food is termites. B12 is missing from a vegetarian diet not because we need meat. Any food that gets dirty develops B12 from bacteria. Lack of B12 comes from our cleaner modern diet. We get our B12 from meat because it's dirty. And our need for B12 is tiny, 3 micograms (not micrograms) a day- akin to four grains of rice in our lifetime. Our jaws are made to grind; carnivores' are not. Our jaws have molars like herbivores; carnivores' do not.

Cats, who are carnivores, compared to herbivores and humans:

Cat: sharp, pointed front teeth to tear flesh.
Herbivores/Humans: no sharp, pointed front teeth.

Cat: no flat back molar teeth to grind food.
Herbivores/Humans: flat, back molar teeth to grind food.

Cat: small salivary glands in the mouth (not needed to pre-digest grains and fruits). Herbivores/Humans: well-developed salivary glands, needed to pre-digest grains and fruits.

Cat: acid saliva; no enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains.
Herbivores/Humans: alkaline saliva; much ptyalin to pre-digest grains.

Cat: strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest tough animal muscle, bone, etc.
Herbivore/Human: stomach acid 20 times weaker than that of meat-eaters.

Cat: intestinal tract only 3 times body length, so rapidly decaying meat can pass out of body quickly.
Herbivores/Humans: intestinal tract several times body length. (4)

The medical evidence is irrefutable and builds up by the day. Medical studies show that eating meat ends up contributing to heart disease, cancer, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases. Dean Ornish, M.D. was the first person to prove that heart disease can be reversed, and he did so by feeding his patients a vegetarian diet. So if meat is so natural to people why does it kill us? Studies after studies have shown that we are not designed to eat meat. We get sick when we do. (5)


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