Monday, May 9, 2016

10 Marvel Characters Most Likely To Die Before (Or During) Avengers: Infinity War

The people who run the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been known to dispense their fair share of characters as they move their way toward Avengers: Infinity War, the two-part climax of the first three phases of the fledgling MCU.
It’s almost a rite of passage to find someone biting the big one in each film, though most of the characters made it out of the recent Captain America: Civil War (which, given its scope and the characters involved, might as well have been called The Avengers 2.5) unscathed.
Here’s a list of the 10 Marvel Characters Most Likely To Die Before (Or During) Avengers: Infinity War.


Captain America has been a prime candidate to bite the dust for years now. Since he’s been the team leader, many have predicted that his demise would lead to the breakup of the Avengers and would pave the way for Thanos to set his plans into high gear. Cap’s demise would definitely have traumatic repercussions for the rest of the MCU and could be an almost automatic turn toward dark times for planet Earth.
Whichever movie Captain America could meet his demise is anyone’s guess, but rest assured as the team leader of the Avengers and their moral compass, he will be the one with a bullseye on his back. That said, some audience members were surprised that he survived the recent Civil War, which didn’t follow the story of the comic it was based on. So perhaps he’ll make it through Infinity War intact.


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