Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Radiation Cleansing Properties of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay has become a very important natural resource for millions of people throughout the world.

 by: Duran Rivera 

Bentonite clay is known for many things, namely as a treatment for various mineral deficiencies, infections and even gangrene, but it's also becoming widely popular as an aid against various kinds of radioactive damage and conditions. In its general uses, it can be used as a bulk laxative and to flush out impurities from the body due to its strong negatively charged ionic properties. It has amazing topical benefits as well, treating acne, open wounds, burns, and protecting against various rash inducing oils found in poison ivy or poison oak. Bentonite clay has become a very important natural resource for millions of people throughout the world, especially as our exposures to radiation have risen exponentially in this modern age.

Formed millions of years ago from the weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water, bentonite clay has developed into its present form by collecting various minerals critical to life from limestone formations or slow cooling temperatures which converted certain minerals to oxides easily burned by the human metabolism. It was further refined by a bountiful amount of plant life, carcasses and the hair of prehistoric creatures. It has been utilized for its many benefits by different indigenous tribes since prehistory. Some tribes like the Blackfoot and the Sioux referred to it as "Ee-Wah-Kee" or "The Mud That Heals."

Bentonite's uses against radiation have been recorded and noted throughout history. It is said that Russian scientists coated themselves with bentonite before donning radiation uniforms to protect from radiation exposure. Studies by the U.S. army found that bentonite is an effective treatment, amongst other things, in exposure to chemical warfare. Radioactive material carries a positive ionic charge and bentonite clay has negatively charged ionic properties. It captures positively charged ions that you can then wash off your body or flush out your system. Unlike other clays, smectites (bentonites) can absorb and adsorb and are also characterized by their expandable characteristics. Bentonite adsorbs radiation from sources such as microwaves, x-rays, laptops, cell phones, TVs, microwaved food, etc.

There are hundreds of different kinds of bentonite clay, but amongst the most popular are Calcium Montmorillonite, Calcium Bentonite, and French Green Clay (Montmorillonite). When treating for radiation exposure, bentonite clay is used internally and externally. Clay baths are taken repeatedly for as long as the person can handle, usually from 20 minutes to about an hour. Compresses would also be applied to key locations of the body (targeting lymphatic system and primary organs).

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Plasma Activated Water May Have Grand Humanitarian Health Benefits

by Duran Rivera

(NaturalNews) Plasma activated water (PAW) may sound new to many readers, but there's been much research on it over the past few years. A recent November issue of the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics states that water mixed with a cocktail of compounds contained in ionized plasma causes a deactivation of up to 99% of potentially dangerous bacteria. The water has also been shown to stay antibacterial for over a week. Such a discovery can have many beneficial applications, such as to sterilize medical equipment, treat wounds, or for use on a multitude of infections.

One of the lead scientists on the anti-microbial effects of plasma-activated-water, Professor David B. Graves at U.C. Berkley, Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has found along with his research group, that devices capable of producing these plasmas are not only extremely efficient but inexpensive. It means it can become a significant medical benefit to developing countries, areas hit by natural disasters, or various battlefields where sterile water for medicinal use are in short supply and expensive to come by.

"One of the most difficult problems associated with medical facilities in low-resource countries is infection control," says Professor Graves. "It's estimated that infections in these countries are a factor of three-to-five times more widespread than in the developed world." Graves and his peers believe they can also potentially come up with a practical device for the home that can be used as an alternative to bleach, or surgical antibiotics.

A collective effort by UC at Berkeley and the University of Maryland at College Park studied how low-temperature plasmas can inactivate dangerous bio-molecules. These nomadic molecules are left behind sometimes by conventional sterilization methods. The researchers exposed and inactivated harmful bacteria such as E. coli to the effects of low-temperature plasmas using a vacuum beam system.They found that plasma can also "kill" dangerous proteins and lipids - including prions, the infectious agents that cause mad cow disease. "Low-temperature plasma generates vacuum ultraviolet photons, ions/electrons, and radicals that are known to be able to deactivate these molecules even at low temperature," says Professor Graves.

The studies continue at universities such as UC Berkley and the University of Maryland. There's still much to be understood and learned from this particular photon process. One thing is sure; the steps are being taken by dedicated scientists and researchers to bring these unique benefits to the forefront of healthcare.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mineral Deficiencies Can Be Fatal To Athletes

by: Duran Rivera
In the growing market of nutrition and health, where being a vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, or fruitarian has been integrated into the mainstream diet of millions of Americans, one thing that is not being mentioned enough is the importance of minerals.

A quick rundown of the importance of minerals and their function shows us that minerals are critical to our entire physiology such as the teeth, bones, blood, muscle, tissue and nerve cells. They are integral to transporting oxygen to the blood, or the pressure of body fluids to pass through the body. For example, potassium, calcium and sodium help maintain the rhythmic beating of the heart. Minerals are the bedrock of hormones such as thyroxin and insulin, and of proteins such as hemoglobin.

Many people today, who work out on a daily basis, running miles on end are not getting the sufficient mineral consumption to replace all they have lost. Most athletes today depend on sports drinks, which are mostly based of water, sugar, salt, food coloring and potassium. They drink their shakes that tend to be stacked with rice or whey protein but not much else.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, 100,000 young men and women, as well as professional athletes die annually from cardio-vascular disorders as a result of sports. That's twice the amount of fatalities on American highways. Almost half of the 100,000 athletes play basketball, not boxing nor football. Something is wrong with this picture when athletes aren't fairing much better than couch potatoes. One of various reasons is the amount of sweat excreted compared to non-athletes. They sweat more in five years than a couch potato would in 75 years. If 60 essential minerals aren't consistently being put back in the body, then the body will be at risk.

There are many symptoms to mineral deficiencies, some are more difficult to find than others. One must be aware and cognizant of the behaviors or blemishes on ones body. Being focused on consuming foods which are dense in minerals are among one of the many answers. Maintaining a mineral rich diet should be a conscious focus. Understanding that as an athlete, you need an abnormal intake of minerals and shouldn't settle for the diets, which are normally consumed.


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